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Bottled Water

United States, Florida
Private Label
1–9 Employees

Company description

The Bottled Water Store has been a premier online destination for unique and high-quality private labeled bottled water products sourced from various regions across the United States and around the world since its establishment in 1998 by Jeff Dunn. Recognizing the demand for custom-labeled water bottles and the potential of the internet, Jeff dedicated himself to building the business and serving customers for 23 years. In 2022, Jeff passed the torch to Katie Debiak, who now leads the company with a commitment to maintaining the exceptional customer service established by

Company details

Company competencies


Manufacturer Category

Manufacturer Information

  • Organic or Natural Option:
    Information Not Provided
  • Year Founded:
  • Revenue:
    $1-5 Million
  • Minimum Order:
    Information Not Provided
  • Certification:
    Information Not Provided