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United States, Georgia
Private Label
1–9 Employees

Company description

For nearly a decade, IWantMyH2O has been a leading supplier of Custom Labeled Bottled Water and continues to uphold a commitment to superior customer service and delivering an unparalleled product. What began as a family business rooted in quality has evolved to supply some of the nation’s largest retailers, hotel chains, automotive dealers, and restaurants. Catering to orders as small as 10 cases, they take pride in maintaining personal connections with customers, some of whom still prefer to place orders by phone each month. From the outset, they prioritized a

Company details

Company competencies


Manufacturer Category

Manufacturer Information

  • Organic or Natural Option:
    Information Not Provided
  • Year Founded:
    Information Not Provided
  • Revenue:
    Less than $1 Million
  • Minimum Order:
    Information Not Provided
  • Certification:
    Information Not Provided