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Mountain View Wines

United States, California
Private Label
11 - 50 Employees

Company description

For over three decades, Mountain View Wines has produced private labels for hotels, restaurants, retailers, and wine clubs across the United States, Europe, and Asia Pacific. Their program helps businesses increase margins, build consumer loyalty, and create unique brand identities by offering consistent quality, great value, cost-efficient labeling, and prompt service. They provide a variety of California varietals for bottling and labeling, including Chardonnay, Pinot Grigio, Pinot Noir, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, and Rosé.

Company details

Company competencies


Manufacturer Category

Manufacturer Information

  • Organic or Natural Option:
    Information Not Provided
  • Year Founded:
  • Revenue:
    $4.8 Million
  • Minimum Order:
    Information Not Provided
  • Certification:
    Information Not Provided