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Oakwood Labs

United States, Ohio
Contract Manufacturer
100-249 Employees

Company description

Oakwood Labs serves as a comprehensive solution provider for all phases of long-acting injectable (LAI) development, offering sustained-release microsphere technology tailored to meet specific project requirements. Renowned as a global leader in sustained release drug delivery, Oakwood Labs operates a premier facility supporting all aspects of LAI development, from proof of concept to FDA-approved commercial supply. With over 20 years of expertise in drug encapsulation using their patented Chroniject™ microsphere-based technology, Oakwood Labs excels in controlling particle size, customizing release durations, and ensuring critical quality attributes. Known for their effective

Company details

Company competencies

Manufacturer Category

Manufacturer Information

  • Organic or Natural Option:
    Not Applicable
  • Year Founded:
  • Revenue:
    $10-25 Million
  • Minimum Order:
    Information Not Provided
  • Certification:
    Information Not Provided