Join the Largest Private Label and Contract Manufacturing Group on LinkedIn

Most Trusted Platform to Find A Manufacturer for Your Brand

Powered by a community of over 18,000 members in the largest Private Label and Contract Manufacturing network on LinkedIn, Find My Manufacturer helps businesses instantly connect with trusted manufacturers to bring their products to market faster and more efficiently. Finding Your Manufacturing is hard. We are here to make it easier.

We Connect Buyers with Private Label & Contract Manufacturers

Find top private label and contract manufacturers for your product and get competitive quotes from companies all over the world to establish your brand. Whether you are an entrepreneur putting together your first product or a large brand name, we will help you find exactly what you need. Our global LinkedIn group is the largest in the industry, bringing together manufacturers from around the world across all product categories. With such a vast network, you’ll have access to a broad selection to find your ideal manufacturing partner.

Get Access To Thousands Of Vendors & Services Providers

Private Label or Contract Manufacturer

Looking for a Private Label or Contract Manufacturer

check  Direct Access to 18,000+ Vendors

check  Every Manufacturing Category

check  Global Reach

manufacturing service providers

Looking for service providers to help with the Manufacturing

check Every Stage of Product Development

check Including Design to Packaging

check Every Niche Covered Globally

Browse Popular Manufacturing Categories

Still can’t find what you are looking for? We’re here to help you figure it out.

What customers are looking for at the moment

An appliance brand is looking for a PCB provider they can scale with.

united states svgrepo com California

A Bath & Body product line is looking for innovative bottle design to help them stand out.

united states svgrepo com New Jersey

Global Medical Device Company is looking for a plastic compenent manufacturer.

united states svgrepo com  Wisconsin

Small regional bakery is looking for a fulfillment parter based out of the mid-west USA.

united states svgrepo com  Ohio

How your business can benefit by getting listed on
Find My Manufacturer

Global Reach

Our platform has companies located across the globe. Many of them have international reach too.

Tailored for Buyers

We make it easy for global companies to find the manufacturers or service providers they need.


All companies can list products and other features, which is not offered by other B2B platforms.

Large Network

Backed by the largest LinkedIn group in the manufacturing category, we can cross-promote your business.

Easy to Connect with Buyers

We make it simple for buyers to reach you through the contact form right on the page.



We have listed service providers as well, helping to facilitate the process from design to fulfillment of products.

Select the Ideal Manufacturing Solution that Meets Your Needs

From fast product launches to tailored custom development, find the ideal manufacturing solution for your business.

Private Label Manufacturers

Get ready-to-market products customized to align with your brand vision and specifications.

Contract Manufacturers

Collaborate with experts to develop and manufacture unique, high-quality products tailored to your exact needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to find a manufacturer?

To find a manufacturer for your product, you can start by exploring online platforms such as Alibaba, Find My Manufacturer, ThomasNet, and, which connect you with manufacturers globally. You can also conduct Google searches using targeted keywords to identify local options. Additionally, leverage your professional network for referrals, as industry contacts often provide valuable recommendations and insights.

How to find out a specific brand's manufacturer?

If you want to find out who manufactures a brand’s products, start by checking the brand’s website for supplier information or search online using the brand name along with keywords like “manufacturer” or “supplier.” You can also try ordering product samples, as the packaging might reveal manufacturer details, or reach out to the brand directly, especially if it’s a smaller company. Another way is to attend trade shows and use social media platforms like LinkedIn to connect with industry professionals for insights. Additionally, take a look at shipping labels or documents on the product packaging for clues about the manufacturer’s identity. By using these strategies together, you can increase your chances of finding the information you need.

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